North Jersey Friendship House Annual Report – Fiscal Year 2023
Through our fundraising efforts (Gala, Golf Classic, and Annual Campaign), we planned our Atlantic Street Patio Project and implemented our PAES Lab at our Washington Township Day Program location. The patio was redone entirely, removing ailing trees and deteriorating ground surface, and adding barrier-free access, raised garden beds, accessible tables, benches, and recreational space. This space now actively serves as part of our programmatic space, enhancing our curriculum and services to include therapeutic horticultural activities, and farm to table practices in our food services department. Our Day Program saw a dream fulfilled with the successful purchase and implementation of our PAES® Lab. This Practical Assessment Exploration System allows for assessment of employment potential, followed by curriculum development for each member that utilizes the lab. This is a valuable and unique tool for our Day Program members, Supported Employment clients and Project SEARCH interns when it is time for evaluating career interests.
Download the Annual Report