Spotlight: John Mckendry, Most Tenured Friendship House Trustee to Retire
There is an old saying. Board members in the non-profit world should bring to the job three “Ws”; Work, Wealth and Wisdom. It is not expected that all contribute all three but each in their own way contribute a ‘W” in some way. John has contributed all three over the course of his tenure.
As a parent, John knows full well the need for organizations such as Friendship House to not only serve, but to thrive in order to secure a future for those served. There wasn’t a fundraiser he didn’t support and his vast experience made him a key trustee guiding Friendship House through some turbulent times.
Thank you John! For all your years of service. We wish you well! Knowing John and Audrey (also a former trustee) and their unwavering support of Friendship House, we are confident we will see them in the future!