Project Search Continues to Grow
Project Search is a ten month internship-based program for adults with varying abilities that takes place entirely at a business host site; offering the interns to cycle through three internship rotations with a goal of competitive employment upon graduation.
Historically Bergen County Project SEARCH has always been located at hospitals as they offer a wealth of opportunities for the interns. In March 2020, the world changed and our hospitals had to focus on COVID-19 which resulted in our interns finishing up their Project SEARCH year working completely remotely. Simultaneously, Friendship House was recruiting for the next cohort of interns unsure of where the business host site might be due to the concern that COVID-19 would still be active in September 2020.
Without hesitation, The County of Bergen offered to host the interns for the 2020-2021 program year. Our eight interns have been on-site since October 2020 at One Bergen County and Two Bergen County Plaza along with the on-site staff which includes Program Coordinator, Kebyna Cayard, and Skills Trainer, Annie Merhi. The program, and especially the interns are truly thriving and enjoying their internships in a variety of departments including Security, Clerk’s Office, Prosecutor’s Office, Surrogate’s Office to name a few.
In January 2021, Friendship House successfully started an all adult Project SEARCH program in Hudson County with eight interns at Hudson County Community College. The College has truly embraced the interns and made them feel welcome on campus. Our on-site staff, Edmia Nunez, Program Coordinator and Camara Brown, Skills Trainer, developed internships in departments including Custodial Services, Enrollment, Center for Academic and Student Success, Culinary, Hospitality and Business Division, and Flik Café. The supervisors working with the interns have reported what a positive experience it has been and the interns are doing a great job!
Friendship House is actively recruiting for the 2021-2022 cohort of interns for both Bergen and Hudson Counties. For more information,
please contact JENNIFER MURRIN at 201-488-2121 X347 or JMURRIN@NJFRIENDSHIPHOUSE.ORG.