Project SEARCH
Adult Project SEARCH is a business-led internship program that gives people living with varying abilities the opportunity to learn valuable job skills in a real workplace setting.
The primary goal of the program is to prepare each intern for competitive employment within the community upon completion of this skill-building experience.
Basic Eligibility:
- Between ages 18-30
- Exited (or aged out of) high school
- Eligible for Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DVRS)
- Eligible for Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) or willing to self-pay
- Appropriate workplace hygiene/behavior
- Desire to work competitively
Quick Facts:
- Total workplace immersion
- Includes travel training
- 10 month program; long-term support
- Three 10-week non-paid internships
- 90% graduate employment rate
For Bergen County Adult Project SEARCH please visit projectsearch.bergenworkforce.org to apply or learn more!
For Hudson County Adult Project SEARCH please contact:
Mala Spivack
Executive Director of Day & Community Services
Email: mspivack@njfriendshiphouse.org
Phone: 201-881-0411 ext. 11