CARF Three Year Re-accreditation
2020 was an unprecedented year and a time for many firsts. North Jersey Friendship House had its first ever Digitally Enabled Site Survey by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, (CARF). On November 18, 19, and 20th, 2020 CARF surveyors conducted a three day remote, virtual program review with staff, members, stakeholders, and Trustees, through Microsoft Teams. As a result of staff’s hard work and commitment, Friendship House received a Three-Year CARF Re-Accreditation.
CARF surveyors commented on the high quality of services Friendship House programs provide and were very impressed to see the multiple health and safety measures that were put in place to provide safe services during the COVID-19 pandemic. They commented on the dedication and enthusiasm of all staff members. CARF reported they received positive feedback and high satisfaction from person’s served, families, stakeholders and Trustees.
Some of the feedback shared was:
- “My programming has been overwhelmingly positive and helped me very much.”
- “I had nowhere else to turn and then I found Friendship House.”
- “Friendship House has strong corporate standing in the community and has ties to many providers, businesses, community leaders and employers to persons served.”
- “My son has learned important things, such as boundaries and coping with his illness. Friendship House has been wonderful for my son.”
- The CARF surveyors noted “It is evident Friendship House includes all their persons served in all components of their services and Friendship House programs are valuable and much appreciated in the community.”